endogenic systems

An endogenic system is a system that didn't originate from trauma. This is not the same as claiming that you have PTSD or DID without trauma - endogenics are not claiming that. Endogenics do not claim to have DID. Headmates are not the only symptom of being a system, and you can be a system without being disordered! (Also, endogenics aren’t radqueer.)
Endogenic is an umbrella term, and in many non-American countries, forms of endogenic plurality are traditionally accepted. This may include tulpamancy, casual spiritual possession, or other practices. It is xenophobic to be against endogenic systems because of that. It is also ableist to be "against" endogenic systems, as it is implying that you (the person against endogenics) can know more about what is happening in someone else's brain than that person does.
For more information about endogenic systems, we suggest these links:
- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/psych-unseen/202302/enacted-identities-multiplicity-plurality-and-tulpamancy
- https://kinhost.org/Main/CommunityDivisionEndogenicVTraumagenic
- https://morethanone.info/
- <https://web.archive.org/web/20230522161505/https://endogenicsystems.carrd.co/>